ANSR Lens Edition #1: Harnessing Innovation in GCCs

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Edition #1 - ANSR Lens: A Quarterly Deep Dive into the GCC Landscape

I’m excited to bring you the first edition of ANSR Lens, our quarterly newsletter that keeps you up to speed with intriguing thought leadership, new research, and latest news from the GCC industry.

Innovation is no more a buzzword. Amplified by digital disruption, it has become a necessity for enterprises. Enterprises have been looking at their Global Capability Centers (GCCs) to evolve from cost enablers to strategic partners and provide competitive advantage. In the last 3-5 years, innovation at GCCs has become mainstream that are deploying a wide array of capabilities to propel innovation.

In this issue of ANSR Lens, we have curated perspectives on how organizations can identify and remove barriers to meaningful transformation, and create room to innovate for future growth while maintaining operational effectiveness. I hope you find them insightful.

Smitha Hemmigae – Head of Marketing

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